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The project involved 11 million cubic yards of embankment, two taxiway bridges, CAT II/III lighting system, two road relocations, owner purchased and installed NAVAIDs, major utility relocations including 69 kV Nashville Electric Service, TVA transmission line, Colonial pipeline, 900-pair South Central Bell line, and aircraft fuel transmission line. The roadway work included the Donelson Pike relocation, a 0.5-mile-long realignment of a four-lane, divided highway with a two-lane service road with two major intersections and phased detours.
Mr. Overman also served as project principal responsible for planning, design, contract documents, and inspection for construction of a new 8,000-foot CAT I runway and parallel taxiway and a 2,000-foot extension to existing Runway 2C. The project involved a 1,000-foot, two-barrel, six-lane automobile tunnel to carry a major thoroughfare, and 3.5 million cubic yards of excavation and embankment. The runway extension and vehicular tunnel was completed in 15 months from beginning design to finished construction.
Mr. Overman was the project manager for design and resident construction observation associated with more than $30 million of airside development for the new terminal complex. The program was comprised of more than 25 taxiway projects, which encompassed two full parallel taxiways; two runway extensions; one runway strengthening project; 500,000 square yards of 14-inch PCC aircraft apron; taxiway and apron lighting projects; glide slope, approach lighting, and other NAVAID relocations; several capacity enhancement projects, roadway relocations, and rental car lots and buildings.